
Lady gaga alejandro video analysis
Lady gaga alejandro video analysis

lady gaga alejandro video analysis

“ has now become the new poster girl for American decadence and Catholic bashing, sans the looks and talent of her role model. Bill Donohue from The Catholic League has cast himself as the Moral Scold, a roll he plays often, and with villainous relish. Lacking a significant follow-up hit to her lesbionic “I Kissed a Girl” (not blasphemous at all), the lesser singer got her name in the news by dissing the better singer on Twitter: “Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke.” Right. Katy Perry plays the role of the Rival, adding public drama through backhanded commentary and calling the video blasphemous. As he told MTV News, The video “represents the character’s battle between the dark forces of this world and the spiritual salvation of the Soul”. The director, Steven Klein, plays the role of Collaborator and Defender, carrying out the misunderstood brilliant artist’s vision. And when they come for you, or refuse your worth, I will be ready for their stones.” Okay. So many, over and over, coming in periods of greatness.

lady gaga alejandro video analysis

As The Lady Twittered: “So many will try to destroy me. Gaga plays the roll of the Important Artist, making a “statement” and being misunderstood in the process. So far, Gaga appears to be in for a mega-hit, as all the right voices are playing their roles in the PR Passion play. The fascist imagery, religious symbolism, and sexual acting out are both provocative and a sure-fire formula for success in the pop music industry. Lady Gaga’s new video “Alejandro” pushes all the right buttons for a full-on controversy.

Lady gaga alejandro video analysis